Crooked logs make straight fires.
One cannot make soup out of beauty.
Bad charcoal only makes smoke.
It is the belief in roses that makes them flourish.
Love does wonders, but money makes marriages.
Small brooks make big rivers.
You cannot make a hawk of a buzzard.
To make preparations does not spoil the trip.
Beard and cloak do not make one a philosopher.
Cheese and bread make the cheeks red.
Office without pay makes thieves.
Salt and bread make the cheeks red.
Wine makes secrets float to the surface.
Be careful not to make a woman weep.
Bribery makes both parties happy.
Four walls make a man free.
Make bread while the oven is hot.
The needle makes clothes but stays naked.
The spider and the fly can't make a deal.
Grief itches but scratching it makes it worse.
The prettiest of shoes makes a sorry hat.