Filming is like a house, you have to feel comfortable in it.
I had four films one year that were supposed to happen and didn't.
It has always been a dream of mine to put a play on film.
It's always been a lie that it's difficult to make films.
In Sweden, only exceptional actresses get major film parts.
I consider all my films experiments.
When I do film, I really take on roles and I take on characters.
I'm an Englishman who did a film on Mogadishu, 'Black Hawk Down.'
Even befor doing this film, I've always been interested in mythology.
Entertainment and escapism - those are the bigger money-making films today.
The trouble with Hollywood films is that they always have a pleasant ending.
In a silent film, you speak but the audience does not hear you.
When you're filming, it's very different from what you see on screen.
I can't do a film if I don't start with the writing.
I don't believe in having body doubles for a film.
I turned down the opportunity to be in some films that went on to be blockbusters.
You can't expect a man to change in one day by watching a film, right?
If you watch any John Hughes film of the eighties, that was my childhood experience.
Going through this musical experience really helped us to understand the core of the film.
The very reasons sometimes that you make a film are the reasons for its failure.
When I was planning Family Viewing, the Ontario Film Development Corporation came into existence.