The theater is a tough place. It's not cushioned the way it is in film and television.
Doing the Muppet Show you forget about conventional filming.
I'm more critical of the films I make than anyone else.
You don't want to be starting a film not knowing what you want to do.
A film is a terrible thing to waste.
You dread that there will be real problems during filming.
One in the third film, I'm looking forward to meeting one of the Dementors.
In this way, some film schools can be destructive.
I'm the type of actor that, if I'm not filming something, I'm in class.
You always want your films to go as far as they can.
I cannot do a film I don't believe in, however safe it might be.
Kalo nggak nulis, ya baca. Kalo nggak baca, ya nonton film saja lah.
Nooooooo... favorite film, that's like asking if you have a favorite kid!
Everyone has a photographic Memory, some just don't have film.
As far as I'm concerned, the coolest word in film is 'cult.'
I only act in films where I've got an A-lister as my mentor.
To stand there and do nothing on film is probably the hardest thing to do.
Stax was rejoicing in the difference in who we are, and that's what you see in the film.
I need to have my hands on the DNA of a film.
I suppose I like to think of myself as a film-maker.
Finally, the complexities of black relationships are being portrayed in television and film.