Approach every film with the same enthusiasm, regardless of its budget.
I'm going to end up making twenty films if people let me.
Many Hindi films that are Tamil remakes rake in huge moolah in Bollywood.
I just enjoy acting, whatever area - theatre, film, television.
Everytime I get offered theatre I get offered a film role too.
Television has dried up for my generation, so it's plays and films.
I'm a big fan of film for one reason: because it is visual.
My film about Bush didn't prevent his reelection.
I will say that 'Source Code' proved to be a very tricky film to shoot.
But also, there are no films being made about Afghanistan.
I'm not exactly the type of actress who does half a dozen films a year.
Your nerves can get the better of you, especially when it's your first film.
I'm always looking for other interesting films to either act in or direct.
I didn't realize there are generations who do not know about the origins of film.
As a kid, when you're in a film with somebody, you look up to them, you know?
Looking back, I am thankful that I didn't go into the film industry.
Films with a message just make me laugh.
When I said I was going to audition for a film, I got a hearty laugh from all my family.
I just think that the collective experience of going to see a film is something you can't recreate.
The collective experience of watching a great film together in a room is a transcendent moment that will never die.
Film, therefore, is part of society, not distant from it, easy to experience for people regardless of class.