Any marriage is hard work. But what I always say is, "Keep the fights clean and the sex dirty.
Kevin BaconIn a middle of a war a single doubt about what you are fighting for could mean death.
Kenneth de GuzmanIt is the things we can't afford to lose that make us fight until we win." ~ Shrouded in Pompei
Lisa FantinoThe fight against terror is a common imperative for democracies and must become so for all nations.
Lionel JospinI will also continue to fight to provide better economic security for victims of domestic violence.
Lucille Roybal-AllardThere is no method by which an average citizen can effectively fight the White House in the media.
Linda TrippI believe that if you want to fight inequality you have to do it starting at infancy.
Michelle BacheletSuccess can be defined as how hard you continue to fight when they tell you that the battle is over.
Mark W. BoyerWork for what you want, pray for what you need and fight for what you've always dreamt about.
M. G. Dahlman