Sometimes we take our love ones for granted that we forget to show them how much they meant to us until they’re gone. Sometimes we allow the negative energy from a few disputes we had with each other to conceal the many joys we had with one anoth...
Children are taught to look down on their nurses (nannies), to treat them as mere servants. When their task is completed the child is withdrawn or the nurse is dismissed. Her visits to her foster-child are discouraged by a cold reception. After a few...
Someone should write an erudite essay on the moral, physical, and esthetic effect of the Model T Ford on the American nation. Two generations of Americans knew more about the Ford coil than the clitoris, about the planetary system of gears than the s...
...“Maybe it’s like this, Max--you know how, when you are working on a long and ordered piece, all sorts of bright and lovely ideas and images intrude. They have no place in what you are writing, and so if you are young, you write them in a noteb...
You live as if you were destined to live forever, no thought of your frailty ever enters your head, of how much time has already gone by you take no heed. You squander time as if you drew from a full and abundant supply, so all the while that day whi...
I'm not opposed to aging - even though society is kinder on men than women when it comes to getting old. How can I look at aging as the enemy? It happens whether I like it or not and no one is set apart from growing old; it comes to us all. Youth pas...
Randal Graves: What'd your mom say when you told her you weren't engaged anymore? Caitlin Bree: She said not to come home until after graduation. Randal Graves: Wow, you got thrown out for Dante? Caitlin Bree: What can I say? He does weird things to ...
Vicomte de Valmont: I often wonder how you manage to invent yourself. Marquise de Merteuil: Well, I had no choice, did I? I'm a woman. Women are obliged to be far more skillful than men. You can ruin our reputation and our life with a few well-chosen...
Raoul Duke: Few people understand the psychology of dealing with a highway traffic cop. A normal speeder will panic and immediately pull over to the side. This is wrong. It arouses contempt in the cop heart. Make the bastard chase you. He will follow...
Skylar: You were hoping for a good night kiss. Will: No, you know. I'll tell ya, I was hoping for a good night lay, but I'd settle for a good night kiss. Skylar: [bursts out laughing] How very noble of you. Will: Thank you... But I was, you know, hop...
Proximo: [addressing his new recruits] I am Proximo! I shall be closer to you for the next few days, which will be the last of your miserable lives, than that bitch of a mother who first brought you screaming into this world! I did not pay good money...
[first lines] Hiccup: [voice-over] This is Berk. It's twelve days north of Hopeless and a few degrees south of Freezing to Death. It's located solidly on the Meridian of Misery. My village. In a word? Sturdy. It's been here for seven generations, but...
Stoick: Well, I can show my face in public again! If someone told me that in a few short weeks, Hiccup would go from, well, being, uh... *Hiccup*, to placing first in dragon training? Well, I would have tied him to a mast and shipped him off, for fea...
Deputy Clyde Sawyer: Down in the lobby, I ran up against these two. [indicates Toots and Curly] Deputy Clyde Sawyer: Well, they didn't look right to me, so I asked them a few questions. By the way they answered me, I knew there was something fishy. S...
Timon: Let me get this straight. You're the king? And you never told us? Adult Simba: Look, I'm still the same guy. Timon: But with power! Nala: Could you guys excuse us for a few minutes? Timon: Hey, whatever she has to say, she can say in front of ...
Sam: What we need is a few good taters. Gollum: What's taters, precious? What's taters, eh? Sam: *Po-tay-toes!* Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew... Lovely big golden chips with a nice piece of fried fish. [Gollum makes a noise of disgust while...
[last lines] [the family is gathered at the cemetery] Narrator: Among the few possessions he left to his heirs was a set of Encyclopedia Britannica in storage at the Lindbergh Palace Hotel under the names Ari and Uzi Tenenbaum. No-one spoke at the fu...
[On whether Kirk should assume command from Spock] Spock: If I may be so bold, it was a mistake for you to accept promotion. Commanding a starship is your first, best destiny; anything else is a waste of material. Kirk: I would not presume to debate ...
Dr. Lappe: We have people to service these machines. Joe Turner: These things are really pretty simple - they just look complicated. Dr. Lappe: Mr. Turner, I wonder if you're entirely happy here. Joe Turner: Within obvious limits, yes sir. Dr. Lappe:...
[Paul is trying to get into a nightclub] Club Berlin Bouncer: Got any money? Paul Hackett: Yes I got money. Is that what this is all about, you want money? Why didn't you ask for that in the first place man. Here, it's all I got. [gives the Bouncer a...
Bishop: [Bishop is puzzled by Ripley's reaction towards him] Is there a problem? Burke: I'm sorry. I don't know why I didn't even- Ripley's last trip out, the syn- the artificial person malfunctioned. Ripley: "Malfunctioned"? Burke: There were proble...