People were always the limiters of happiness except for the very few that were as good as spring itself.
The masses-I love em-they rush for red lights, risking everything to capture a few seconds, only to get home and waste their lives.
In the end she just said..... All I did was to run away for a few minutes! All I wanted was to be free!
What wouldn’t my people give for a few bites of the biryani she ordered me to throw away yesterday because she said it smelt?
His progress through life was hampered by his tremendous sense of his own ignorance, a disability which affects all too few.
Everybody achieves success in life—a blessed few early in their careers, the rest of us when we lower our standards
If you are afraid to fail, your successes will be few, common, and unmemorable.
A few songs with Him might change the way you sing. Forever.
He takes a few dazed steps, the waiters turn out the lights and he slips into unconsciousness: when this man is lonely he sleeps.
Relax in your own home, Kylie. It's one of the few places on earth you're free to be as you really are.
There are few things I hate more than feeling weak. Needing help or failing top the list. The worst, however, is knowing that all three just happened.
Well, I must endure the presence of a few caterpillars if I wish to become acquainted with the butterflies.
There is something hugely civilised about allowing long pauses in a conversation. Very few people can stand that kind of silence.
Life was beautiful, but it was also painful. People fail, a few get up, but there’s never a guarantee that their second attempt will work out.
Never be SARCASTIC. A clever remark might gain you a few laughs but the butt of your remarks will be offended and will remember you for it.
Words are like spices. Too many is worse than too few.
God gave us the access, but we need to exercise courage to have it. No one lacks the access, but it’s only few that have the courage to grab it!
It is. And yet so few really are free. Nearly all people live in prisons of their own making, regardless of their faith, creed, sex or race.
The human spirit is not indestructible; but a courageous few discover that, when in hell, they are granted a glimpse of heaven.
The first among mankind will always be those who make something imperishable out of a sheet of paper, a canvas, a piece of marble, or a few sounds
But William Stoner knew of the world in a way that few of his younger colleagues could understand. Deep in him, beneath his memory, was the knowledge of hardship and hunger and endurance and pain.