How do text messages make you feel existential? I start thinking about exactly that: how people can edit a thought before sending it out to the world. They can make themselves seem more well spoken than they are, or funnier, smarter. I start thinking...
People everywhere, enjoying life, smiling, and just slowing down to let the world take care of itself for a few hours. The feeling was contagious. Especially when I stepped into McPherson's Pub to grab a bite of the special and listen to some traditi...
Once upon a time, my government turned my city into a police state, kidnapped me, and tortured me. When I got free, I decided that the problem wasn’t the system, but who was running it. Bad guys had gotten into places of high office. We needed good...
She asked another question: "What does it matter if the rhinos die out? Is it really important that they are saved?" This would normally have riled me... but I had comes to think of her as Dr. Spock form Star Trek - an emotionless, purely logical cre...
Our nation was born in genocide when it embraced the doctrine that the original American, the Indian, was an inferior race. Even before there were large numbers of Negroes on our shore, the scar of racial hatred had already disfigured colonial societ...
I’m an observer. I am fascinated by people and how their minds work (and, of course, my own). Why we are the way we are, why we do the things we do – and that interest drives my writing. I was a physicist before fiction claimed my soul, so I’m ...
I think the measure of advancement depends on where you are stood and from what distance you look. A thousand years ago, we farmed the fields, built towns and defended our land with swords and spears. It is little different now, save for the number o...
[Nigel is playing a soft piece on the piano] Marty DiBergi: It's very pretty. Nigel Tufnel: Yeah, I've been fooling around with it for a few months. Marty DiBergi: It's a bit of a departure from what you normally play. Nigel Tufnel: It's part of a tr...
Genie: So, what'll it be, Master? Aladdin: You're gonna grant me any three wishes I want, right? Genie: [as William F. Buckley] Uh, almost. There are a few, uh, provisos, a, a couple of quid pro quos. Aladdin: Like? Genie: [normal] Uh, rule #1: I can...
People say that time goes by; time says that the people go by.
I do a lot of business with businesses. And I do a lot of business with individuals. And guess what? It turns out the two are the same, as both are made up of only one thing—people. So if you don’t like people, then you don’t like business, and...
If you are uncomfortable meeting people on your own, the perfect way to do it is to volunteer to help greet those who arrive. This way, you have a purposeful task that is meeting people. Be sure to wear your name tag (on the right side of your body, ...
Even at a time like this, the street is bright enough and filled with people coming and going—people with places to go and people with no place to go; people with a purpose and people with no purpose; people trying to hold time back and people tryi...
The best way to get over your fear of meeting new people is to imagine them naked. Unless you’re networking at a nudist camp, then you may have to get more creative.
Great leaders build trust from their team because the leader is willing to put his/her people “first.” Once the team believes that, they will put their leader, and the company, first as well.
The secret of two people is God's secret, the secret of three people is everybody's secret.
If two people say he is drunk, the third one should sleep.
There are moral religious people and moral secular people, immoral religious people and immoral secular people.
But there will be no justice, there will be no government of the people, by the people, and for the people, as long as the government and its officials permit bribery in any form.
People don't follow ordinary people; they follow extraordinary people.
It's not people who resent successful people; it's resentful people who resent successful people.