Every crowd is different. But that's something that I enjoy, and you can feel it in the first few seconds when you walk out on stage. You know, how a crowd is.
I did buy 'The Sun' a few times, but I just don't read the tabloids. Sometimes they can have genius witty headlines, but that's all. There's nothing to read.
How many great gems were lost to thought and not put down to pen. You can but think of just a few and then they're lost again.
There's a few tunes of mine that don't have jokes, but most of them have a joke and they have a humorous point of view somewhere.
Now I have to lie on the bed for a few minutes and let the solitude gather round me once more.
Poland is one of the few countries that can afford to conduct a conventional monetary policy and that means we have to act against the buildup of imbalances in the economy.
I can think of a number of things more interesting to read about than tax law, but few things affect our lives more.
It wouldn't be fair to cast aspersions on an entire cultural movement based on the actions of a few. To quote my grandfather, 'One bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch.'
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.
I swiftly discovered that there are few things in DIY (and possibly life) that can't be solved with a large mallet, a bag of ten-centimetre nails and some swearing.
Focus your attention on the quality of your words, and not the quantity, because few sensible talks attracts millions of listeners more than a thousand gibberish.
Every human is a school subject. This is rather a metaphorical way of saying it, to put it straight, those you love are few, and the ones you detest are many.
Writing is a little bit like prostitution. First you do it for love. Then you do it for a few friends. Then you do it for money.
There are so many things that we wish we had done yesterday, so few that we feel like doing today.
Why so many eager to hear the word of “I love you” and so few care to see?
When our sympathy leads to friendship and our friendship leads to love; only few will understand that it is the end of our past.
Starving whilst schooled is like a man’s finding out that his wife is on her periods … a few seconds after he took Viagra.
A lot of my reading over the next few months will be the works of Hans Christian Andersen - I have been appointed an ambassador for the bicentenary celebrations of his birth next year.
Jo left me a few months ago for 10 days. I get this note: I'll come back when the real Ronnie comes back.
A few performances have been left out of the various Woodstock soundtracks and film edits over the years, most notably The Grateful Dead.
Christ was only crucified once and for a few hours. Think of the hundreds of thousands whom Christ has been crucifying in a quiet way ever since.