Friendship with a man is friendship with his virtue.
I'm the man that made wrestling famous.
Tomorrow is no man's gift.
Prayer is man's greatest power!
No man has ever paid a single bill in my life - I didn't want it.
I do love a man who can cook.
I do like to belong to a man.
Your man Flavor Flav is living!
My father was the first to see through the schemes of the white man.
I've always been a skinny man.
Man is a universe within himself.
I'm the man that brought you the mullet.
My father was a very contradictory man.
I am a wife-made man.
Man is nature's sole mistake.
Baseball is a man maker.
I am a one success man.
The magic is in the man, not the 100 miles.
For he did not, he would have said, care for women; he never felt at home or at ease with them; and that monstrous creature beginning to be talked about, the New Woman of the nineties, filled him with horror. He was a quiet, conventional person, and ...
A stage adaptation of The Giver has been performed in cities and towns across the USA for years. More recently an opera has been composed and performed. And soon there will be a film. Does The Giver have the same effect when it is presented in a diff...
People do more for their fellows than return favors and punish cheaters. They often perform generous acts without the slightest hope for payback ranging from leaving a tip in a restaurant they will never visit again to throwing themselves on a live g...