In one moment I was feeling everything and I was feeling nothing.
The more I pray, the more I feel God's comfort.
The greatest wonderful feeling is falling in love.
I feel completely alone - it's like melting, I am the structure, and I am also Alain Robert.
I hope this will help new moms not feel alone or desperate, and that there is no shame in their feelings. PPD is out of their control, but the treatment and healing process is not.
I love skating and sparkling and flying around the ice, and people clap for you. It's an amazing feeling.
I stumbled on a joke idea and style that worked, the audience went with it and, from that moment on, I was hooked. It's an amazing feeling.
I don't display emotions. I have every feeling that everyone else has, but I've developed ways to suppress them. Anger is one of my most comfortable feelings.
I feel that my environment reflects my belief in the grace and art and elegance of living simply.
What art does is it makes you feel alive and makes you feel like you're connected.
But I feel vanity is a part of art and the non-vain are really non-artistic.
there were worse things than feeling guilty, like feeling dead.
You don't feel like a winner and then do; you do like a winner and then feel.
I have no privacy. But I feel so alone.
The ox feels the yoke, but does the bird feel the weight of its wings?
Yes, Rose. Love is a wonderful feeling!
Who wants to feel everything everyone else feels all the time?
I know love is real because I feel it.
The best feeling I ever get is when I finish a song, and it exists, and it didn't exist before, and now it's there, and it makes me feel a certain way.
As a woman, we all want to feel attractive. We all want to feel that we're making the very best of ourselves so we can accept ourselves.
I worked with some wonderful people, tried my best and I feel comfortable.