Not everything you hear is good for conversation.
Any ground is good enough to be buried in.
Bad and good are intertwined like rope.
Fools and knives require good handling.
Fools and scissors require good handling.
Life is for one generation; a good name is forever.
Do good and forget it; do ill and remember it.
In every false step there is something good.
Foreign bread is good for your son.
Bad is called good when worse happens.
Haste is good only for catching flies.
The young goose is a good swimmer.
Pray to God for a good harvest, but keep on hoeing!
A good drink makes the old young.
A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse.
Books and friends should be few but good.
If you can't be good, be careful.
Listeners never hear good of themselves.
A bad peace is better than a good war.
Ouch! I feel bitch slapped-- Matt Carter
Deliverance is not for me in renunciation. I feel the embrace of freedom in a thousand bonds of delight.