A good wife and a wholesome cabbage soup, what more could you want?
A good well-lived today makes every yesterday a dream of a good future, and every morning is a vision of hope.
One simple maxim is often worth more than two good friends.
Praise makes good people better and bad people worse.
Good teachers are good mentors.
The purely agitational attitude is not good enough for a detailed consideration of a subject.
How good is good enough,since you are only good for your selfishness.
good people bring the good out of people
Good writing ain't necessarily good reading.
I reckon domesticated cats have a pretty good life.
Good TV is not just TV about good behavior.
If you're a good person, the goodness will continue through your descendants.
To me the bottom line is: good music is good music.
Good music is good music, and everything else can go to hell.
We have to provide good teachers, good environment, community involvement with schools.
Whatever makes men good Christians, makes them good citizens.
It just proves good movies don't need 100 million dollars to be good.
I want a body of work; I want a good story after a good story.
Dysfunctional families have sired a number of pretty good actors.
I have a pretty good record of winning in court.
Real emotion is good - or doing a good job of faking real emotion.