We have to admit that, notwithstanding all the efforts in which governments and peoples have participated, no corresponding change has been wrought in the aspect of the world's armaments.
If so many Americans are looking for the government to save them, then it is hard to have a dignified search for a shepherd in chief.
The cooperation of government at its different levels is important and can only be achieved as long as the people of Chicago are directly involved in our efforts and supportive of our goals.
I do strongly believe myself that members of the government who sit in the House of Lords should be accountable to the elected House because otherwise there is a democratic deficit, and that is wrong.
Whenever the government of the United States shall break up, it will probably be in consequence of a false direction having been given to public opinion.
Government is a contrivance of human wisdom to provide for human wants. People have the right to expect that these wants will be provided for by this wisdom.
I don't accept the argument of people like David Horowitz that the government should impose some sort of predetermined political balance on academic research.
When decisions on nuclear power stations and runways are delayed and the government dilly-dallies, people think they aren't important.
I am not about to let the people who so mismanaged the state budget now try to manage local government.
When you have corporate influence on our government outweighing the influence of citizens, that's terrifying. This is something we have to make a big, big noise about.
In Iraq during the days of Saddam, I had a government minder who followed me everywhere, reported on my activities.
Republicans know that government spending creates jobs. They just want that spending to be funneled to their projects and districts... and they certainly don't want to say it out loud.
To pay out millions upon millions of dollars in bonuses for incomplete work, poor performance, and unacceptable products is the height of government waste and mismanagement.
When one may pay out over two million dollars to presidential and Congressional campaigns, the U.S. government is virtually up for sale.
It is hard to feel individually responsible with respect to the invisible processes of a huge and distant government.
In general, I found that the more that debates can be about facts and data, the more likely government is to make sound decisions that benefit innovators and the American people.
Populism is not a style, it's a people's rebellion against the iron grip that big corporations have on our country - including our economy, government, media, and environment.
On economic policy, my support of smaller government, lower taxes and economic reform is consistent with the mainstream of the Republican Party in the United States and with many Democrats as well.
A short exposure to the convention convinced me that the Internet may save the Democracy in that it is a way for the people, for the citizens, to have some direct influence on the government.
I'd like to see the government get out of war altogether and leave the whole field to private individuals.
To me, that's the role of government: not to give people a hand out, but a hand up... giving people the tools to pave their own way to success.