The Soviet government sprouted and grew out of the habits, the psychology, and the condition of the Russian people. It fitted them. They understand it.
Those who deny the right of a jury to protect an individual in resisting an unjust law of the government, deny him all defence whatsoever against oppression.
It is manifest that the only security against the tyranny of the government lies in forcible resistance to the execution of the injustice; because the injustice will certainly be executed, unless it be forcibly resisted.
The government of Iran has no problem with the American nation.
In a government whose distinguishing characteristic should be a diffusion and equalization of its benefits and burdens the advantage of individuals will be augmented at the expense of the community at large.
The case of the Seminoles constitutes at present the only exception to the successful efforts of the Government to remove the Indians to the homes assigned them west of the Mississippi.
The connection which formerly existed between the Government and banks was in reality injurious to both, as well as to the general interests of the community at large.
At its core, the FCC's plan to regulate the Internet will force businesses and people to check first with the government and get permission to innovate.
Taxpayers deserve a government that harnesses technology to better serve the people.
People confuse compassion with government being compassionate with other people's money versus people being compassionate with their own money.
When government gets out of the way, the people achieve great things because of the promise of great rewards.
We believe that government works for the benefit of private life, and not the other way around.
We see government's mission as fostering and enabling the important realms - our businesses, service clubs, Little Leagues, churches - to flourish.
Ex-Presidents of the United States get state subsidies. Not so in Russia. You get no government support.
Christian conservatives care about their families eating. They're concerned about energy independence. They're concerned about functional government.
The Democrats have come right out and said it: the power of the central government shall have no limits at all.
There was in Italy a hidden demand for a boring government which would try to tell the truth in non-political jargon.
I prefer for government to err toward less regulation, lower taxation, and free markets. And I'm a radical free trader.
The United States doesn't do what it does in the world for altruistic reasons. Nobody set out to be the world's government.
Transporting Americans is and should be one of the most important functions our government must address.
I think if you open the door to government control of television, then you let in a host of questions about rights.