I'm constantly in fear of having a stroke.
This is the war I fear.
True nobility is exempt from fear.
Fear is something I try not to absorb.
Fear follows crime and is its punishment.
Humble souls are fearful of their own strength.
Give into love or live in fear.
Faith is the flame that eliminates fear.
I've never feared the unexpected.
faith is vision ,not a fear
He that hopes no good fears no ill.
I have built my organization upon fear.
I have a fear of being boring.
Fear is a driving force for most of the things that I do. I don't know if that's healthy.
Fear is the thought of admitted inferiority.
Fear is the mother of morality.
I don't fear anything now.
The greatest stimulator of my running career was fear.
Every journey starts with fear.
The Spirit of the Lord is with them that fear him.
Jealousy is the fear of comparison.