The presence of fear doesn't mean that you lack what it takes to strive and win. It only means that you stepping into a whole new territory.
It is only when you face your fears and doubts that you could begin to discover some hidden extraordinary abilities in you.
While in pursuit of your dreams, always bear in mind that fears, doubts, Procrastinations, and idleness are your enemies of progress.
Conformism is a potent statement, and as much as we do talk about individuality in fashion, there's a sense that people are fearful of not conforming and not being part of action.
The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.
the decision to stand unapologetically for the gospel has been tantamount to a new conversion. It brings peace; it dissolves fears; it snaps fingers at ridicule.
Failure fear people who pursue success, cause their bravery to become successful is far more than failure to understand.
But the conquest of fear was what fascinated them. The continual ecstasy of vanquishing and the consciousness that no one could vanquish them was what attracted them.
Temper your enjoyments with prudence, lest there be written on your heart that fearful word 'satiety.'
I await your sentence with less fear than you pass it. The time will come when all will see what I see.
Many times I've sat with a camera and another actor and seen all their fears and insecurities and struggles. You want to support them and help them as much as you can.
For the health of my mind, body, and spirit, I choose to walk with: Gratitude not Envy; Faith not Worry; Confidence not Fear; Kindness not Anger.
Words were sometimes like ammo. They could strike you with fear worse than an arrow. And worse was sometimes knowing ahead a time what the words were.
The way of the superior person is threefold; virtuous, they are free from anxieties; wise they are free from perplexities; and bold they are free from fear.
You can't fake joy. Authentic joy is the kind that grows out of the soil of pain and doubt and fear, because that is the reality of the world.
I hope for some sort of peace—but I fear that machines are ahead of morals by some centuries and when morals catch up there'll be no reason for any of it.
Obstacles are weak walls without foundations; if you fear them, they will defeat you. But the fact is that they are even afraid of you. So why frightened?
It is wonderful, awesome and merrywise to see satan lose the battle to us in fear and panic and shame! Our victory is in Christ Jesus!
Fear is what's gonna lock you up in your coffin and bury you alive, unless you decide to storm out of it as soon as possible.
To protect themselves, the weak focus on the "bad" in people. Conversely, the strong, who fear little, focus on the "good".
Why you should fear of being abandoned by friends who 'hypocritical'. While the around you have a friend who 'sincerely'.