God in his infinite wisdom Did not make me very wise- So when my actions are stupid They hardly take God by surprise.
God is God. He knows what he is doing. When you can’t trace his hand, trust his heart.
The equilibrium of power between God and Human is getting so close; God has built the planet in 6 days and today we can destroy it within half a day.
When God lays His finger on your heart it cannot help but be filled with love for others; if that doesn't happen there is nothing wrong with God's finger there is something wrong with your heart
Christmas does not remind us that God was born over 2000 years ago. It is a time to remember that God was born in our Heart and Lives in our Heart, everyday!-RVM
The Bible tells us to be like God, and then on page after page it describes God as a mass murderer. This may be the single most important key to the political behavior of Western Civilization.
Despite our disapproval with what God allows us to endure, he still remains the same God that is not interested in our convenience, as much as our character.
A sacrifice is not about expecting God to break the bond you have with another person. You make the sacrifice on your own because God is more important than the bond.
I mean, I think even God would agree with this at this point. God’s existence isn’t important. It’s what we do with what we’ve got that counts.
If there are signs that Americans bow to the gods of advertising, there are equally indications that people find the gods ridiculous. It is part of the popular culture that advertisements are silly.
Men write Bibles. God doesn't. God writes in stars and worlds and seasons and Hudson Rivers and beautiful women. Creation is the good book.
If you think God’s there, He is. If you don’t, He isn’t. And if that’s what God’s like, I wouldn’t worry about it.
Two thousand years ago, we lived in a world of Gods and Goddesses. Today, we live in a world solely of Gods. Women in most cultures have been stripped of their spiritual power.
Faithfulness in small things leads to faithfulness in great things, and never the other way around.
Extinction catches Man by surprise because no one can even imagine that such a catastrophe can happen to an intelligent species.
A mathematician is an individual who calls himself a 'physicist' and does 'physics' and physical experiments with abstract concepts.
God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, 'I love you.'
All pro sports, as well as the NCAA, should thank God every day we have sports betting here... We have the only agency in the world that regulates the honesty of games.
The 'economy' became a god such as never before, and a happy, successful society was one that could please this god - sometimes by sacrificing beautiful things - to keep the deity from getting angry and harming the people by withdrawing favours.
Companies understand that if their employees are sick, it's really expensive. So despite the rhetoric I hear, thank God employers are still in the health-care system.
We are all children of a powerful and great God. Of a God who isn't always going to end - things are not always going to end up the way you want them. His will is not always going to be yours.