To invoke Jesus' name is to place yourself in his presence, to open yourself to his power, his energy. The prayer of Jesus' name actually brings God closer, making him more present. He is always present in some way, since he knows and loves each one ...
Meditation expands our inner being. The inner being is like a small, individual river flowering towards the Ocean. In meditation, I feel how my inner being expands into an inner ocean, which is part of everything, which is one with Existence. Through...
We do not have even 1 percent of that kind of power. Rather, we have 100 percent of the natural freedom that God deemed appropriate to the creatures he made in his own image. Instead of pieces rationed between God (a larger portion) and creatures (a ...
The man who wishes to know the "that" which is "thou" may set to work in any one of three ways. He may begin by looking inwards into his own particular thou and, by a process of "dying to self" --- self in reasoning, self in willing, self in feeling ...
I want to tell you a growing conviction with me, and that is that as we obey the leadings of the Spirit of God, we enable God to answer the prayers of other people. I mean that our lives, my life, is the answer to someone’s prayer, prayed perhaps c...
There is a fine line between humility and humiliation, and when Augustine’s critics, both loyal and disloyal, fault him for morbid self-criticism, they generally mean to imply that he has crossed the line. You can have a relationship with another p...
There are those who don’t believe in God and yet do good. There are those who believe in God and kill for that belief; those who prepare for war because they claim they want peace, and so on. So one has to ask oneself what need there is to believe ...
Anne Napolitano: I don't believe that God made man in his image. 'Cause most of the shit that happens comes from man. No, I think man was made in the Devil's image. And women were created out of God. 'Cause after all, women can have babies, which is ...
God is in the details.
A good soldier has only three things to think about; the king, God, and nothing.
When God wishes a man well, He gives him insight into his faults.
When he mounts his horse he forgets God; when he dismounts, he forgets his horse.
The opportunity that God sends does not wake up him who is asleep.
The opportunity that God sends does not wake up him who sleeps.
If you want to know what God thinks of money, look at the people He gives it to.
Dear God: You do such wonderful things for complete strangers; why not for me?.
When God wants to punish an idiot, He teaches them a few words of Hebrew.
The temple of God is the holy people in Jesus Christ. The Body of Christ is the living temple of God and of the new humanity.
Lukewarm living and claiming Christ's name simultaneously is utterly disgusting to God.
Focus on giants - you stumble. Focus on God - Giants tumble.
Only by emptying ourselves out before God will we find fullness within ourselves.