Our favorite holding period is forever.
Jeremih has been my favorite artist to collab with.
Dakota Fanning is my favorite actress.
Acting is everybody's favorite second job.
'Once Upon a Time in the West' is one of my favorite films.
'Breaking Bad' is one of my favorite shows of all time.
'The Notebook' is one of my favorite love stories.
My favorite characters are the ones that are the most successful movies.
I always related my favorite music to the movies.
Tumbling has always been my favorite.
My favorite movie of all time is 'Home Alone 3.'
My favorite name of a fandom is Benedict Cumberbatch's - 'the Cumberbatches' is just the best name.
My favorite dish is tandoori chicken.
My favorite kitchen was the Japanese and the Italian kitchen.
Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday.
My favorite thing to do is eat and eat well.
Chard and kale are my favorite these days.
My legs are actually my favorite feature.
I'm English, and my favorite movie is 'Manhattan.'
I like records. My favorite is Simon and Garfunkel.
My favorite place to vacation is anyplace by the ocean.