There are beautiful things in the world and there are sad things and when they come together they make a star. The light is far away and the strangest part is that the light is inside you.
Ideas are the most fragile things in the world, and if you do not write them down, they will be lost forever.
The voice says, maybe you don't go to hell for the things you do. Maybe you go to hell for the things you don't do. The things you don't finish.
Doing good things for bad people is no different than doing bad things on good people.
you can't change the past,Aunt Lou used to say.Oh, but I wanted to;that was the one thing I really wanted to do
In the end you should always do the right thing even if it's hard.
All things are within the Circle. That is the very Center of what we believe. If all things are not enclosed, then there is no Circle.
Yessir, some things is sin 'cause God says so. Some things is sin 'cause they hurt other people. And some things is just pure-dee stupid.
Maybe the problem was that we never struggled. We just coasted along. The thing about coasting is that it usually means you're going downhill.
Sometimes doing the right thing does take more courage, but the feeling it gives you deep inside makes it worth it.
It’s strange how things can change back as suddenly as they changed originally. When one thing happens and suddenly, things are back to normal.
A ball is a great place to dance, or a great thing to dribble. A ball is also a great thing to scratch when it's itchy and sweaty.
Don’t tell me your name. It’s likely to awaken my conscience, and that’s the last thing we want.
You can't beat yourself up anymore,' he says. 'And you can't compare your thing to my thing or to anyone else's thing on the how-bad-should-I-feel? scale.
Don't worry about it. The right thing will come at the right time.
The right thing is a luxury for rich and sheltered people. For the rest of us, the only right thing is staying out of trouble and surviving as best we can.
It is ironic that the one thing that all religions recognize as separating us from our creator, our very self-consciousness, is also the one thing that divides us from our fellow creatures. It was a bitter birthday present from evolution.
The best thing about me is that I am generally very honest - not hurtfully honest, but honest. The worst thing about me is that everybody can make me feel guilty. I feel responsible about things that don't even concern me.
If indeed this is the work of God... then it's a crisis that calls for the church to be its very best self, and not worry about risking itself for the right thing.
In life, try your best to do the right thing. Have fun while you're alive. Take advantage of every asset you have. Don't take anything for granted.
I may have hurt some people along the way, but I would like to be seen as somebody who has done his best to do the right thing for any situation and not compromised.