Percy Wetmore: What's up his ass? Paul Edgecomb: You, always, you Percy. Percy Wetmore: What I got a hate in you boy, that the way it is around here? Paul Edgecomb: Why don't you just move on and take that job down in Briar Ridge? Oh yeah, I know all...
Mallory: [On Andrea] He's going to kill me when the war's over. Major Franklin: You're not serious. Mallory: Yes, I am. So is he. [pause] Mallory: About a year ago, I gave a German patrol a safe passage to get some of their wounded into hospital. I g...
Ricky Roma: All train compartments smell vaguely of shit. It gets so you don't mind it. That's the worst thing that I can confess. You know how long it took me to get there? A long time. When you die you're going to regret the things you don't do. Yo...
Rhett Butler: So, you see I shall have to marry you. Scarlett: I've never heard of such bad taste. Rhett Butler: Would you be more convinced if I fell to my knees? Scarlett: Turn me loose, you varmint, and get out of here! Rhett Butler: Forgive me fo...
Mammy: Oh now, Miss Scarlett, you come on and eat jess a little, honey! Scarlett: No! I'm going to have a good time today, and do my eating at the barbeque. Mammy: If you don't care what folks says about dis family I does! I is told ya and told ya th...
Hermione Granger: [Walking out of Dumbledore's office, now knowing what he must do, Harry sees Ron and Hermione holding each other on the Grand Staircase. Upon hearing his footsteps, Hermione stands up to face him] Where have you been? Ron Weasley: W...
Barry: Top 5 songs about death. A Laura's Dad tribute list, okay? Okay. Leader of the Pack. The guy fuckin' beefs it on his motorcycle and dies, right? Dead Man's Curve. Jan & Dean. Dick: Do you know that right after they recorded that song Jan himse...
Gandalf: The world is not in your books and maps. It's out there. Bilbo Baggins: I can't just go running off into the blue! I am a Baggins of Bag End! Gandalf: You are also a Took. Did you know that your Great-Great-Great-Great Uncle Bullroarer Took ...
Albus Dumbledore: [after Sirius' death] I know how you feel, Harry. Harry Potter: No you don't. [pause] Harry Potter: It's my fault. Albus Dumbledore: No, the fault is mine. I knew it was only a matter of time before Voldemort made the connection bet...
The Taxi Driver: ...I've been driving this route for 15 years. I've brought 'em out here to get that stuff, and I've drove 'em home after they had it. It changes them... On the way out here, they sit back and enjoy the ride. They talk to me; sometime...
Helen: Dash... this is the third time this year you've been sent to the office. We need to find a better outlet. A more... constructive outlet. Dash: Maybe I could, if you'd let me go out for sports. Helen: Honey, you know why we can't do that. Dash:...
[Helen emerges from the restroom after changing into her superhero costume, and tosses her bag onto an apparantley empty seat] Violet: Ow! Elastigirl: Violet! Violet: [becomes visible] It's not my fault! Dash ran away and I knew I'd get blamed for it...
Helen: [on the phone] I'd like to speak to Edna, please. Edna: This is Edna. Helen: E? This is Helen. Edna: Helen who? Helen: Helen Parr. You know... [sighs] Helen: [whispers] Elastigirl. Edna: [booming] DARLING! How are you, it's been such a long ti...
Mike Wallace: In the real world, when you get to where I am, there are other considerations. Lowell Bergman: Like what? Corporate responsibility? What, are we talking celebrity here? Mike Wallace: I'm not talking celebrity, vanity, CBS. I'm talking a...
Daniel: So what's the problem, Sammy-o? Is it just Mum, or is it something else? Maybe... school - are you being bullied? Or is it something worse? Can you give me any clues at all? Sam: You really want to know? Daniel: I really want to know. Sam: Ev...
Harry: Tell me, exactly, how long it is that you've been working here? Sarah: Two years, seven months, three days and, I suppose, what... two hours? Harry: And how long have you been in love with Karl, our enigmatic chief designer? Sarah: Ahm, two ye...
Nick the Greek: Dunno Tom. Seems expensive. Tom: Seems? Well, this seems to be a waste of my time. That is 900 nicker in any shop you're lucky enough to find one in. And you're complaining about 200? What school of finance did you study? "It's a deal...
First Statue: Don't go on... Second Statue: Go back, while you still can... Third Statue: This is not the way... Fourth Statue: Take heed, and go no further... Fifth Statue: Beware, beware... Sixth Statue: Soon it will be too late... Hoggle: Ah, don'...
Captain Dudley Smith: [Captain Smith briefs the squad room on Jack Vincennes' death; Exley is standing beside him] Sergeant Vincennes was killed by a .32 slug to the heart. Time of death, approximately 1 a.m. Although he was found in Echo Park, preli...
Sarah Pierce: I think I understand your feelings about this book. I used to have some problems with it, myself. When I read it in grad school, Madam Bovary just seemed like a fool. She marries the wrong man; makes one foolish mistake after another; b...
Frodo: [voiceover] And thus it was. A fourth age of middle-earth began. And the fellowship of the ring... though eternally bound by friendship and love... was ended. Thirteen months to the day since Gandalf sent us on our long journey... we found our...