A goal without actions has the same fate as a vehicle without gas.
I like characters that make choices and try to drive their own fate.
In July, 1892, fate suddenly granted me financial independence.
It is the common fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active.
It is my fate and perhaps my temperament to sign agreements with fools.
My fate has been that what I undertook was fully understood only after the fact.
How others treat you is their fate, and how you respond is your portion.
When fate hands you a lemon, make lemonade.
Fate chooses our relatives, we choose our friends.
[repeated line] Clarence Darby: Can't fight fate.
When fate hands us a lemon, let's try to make lemonade.
It seems when Opportunity knocks, Fate shows up to open the door.
Cabbies in particular seem to like discussing the fate the Earth.
We belong to a nation, whose fate is to shoot at the enemy with diamonds.
Life is like a mute tutor: it teaches by showing what we call fate
Men plan. Fate Laughs. Guis Alera, First Lord
Fate is nothing but the past in the future. It is only an excuse for inaction.
Sometimes even the smallest of efforts can change someone’s fate entirely.
Sometimes our fate is different from the one we imagined for ourselves.
Take it from me, Fate doesn't care most of the time.
It makes a soul lonely when even your tongue has no home.