Lady Eboshi: Now watch closely, everyone. I'm going to show you how to kill a god. A god of life and death. The trick is not to fear him.
Jiminy Cricket: [after Pinocchio falls down the stage stairs during Stromboli's puppet show] Go ahead, make a fool of yourself, then maybe you'll listen to your conscience.
Barbossa: Look! The moonlight shows us for what we really are. We are not among the living, so we cannot die, but neither are we dead.
[Discussing Borden's show] Robert Angier: He had a new trick today. Olivia Wenscombe: Was it good? Robert Angier: It was the most amazing magic trick I've ever seen.
Sister Alma: If she won't speak or move because she decides not to, which it must be if she isn't ill, then it shows that she is mentally very strong. I might not be equal to it.
Max Bialystock: That's exactly why we want to produce this play. To show the world the true Hitler, the Hitler you loved, the Hitler you knew, the Hitler with a song in his heart.
Samir: When two people see each other after 4 years and still fight together, it shows that there is something unsolved between them.
Herbie Stemple: You know why they call them Indians? Because Columbus thought he was in India. They're "Indians" because some white guy got lost.
[to a reporter outside the committee hearing] Herbie Stemple: You know what the problem with you bums is? You never leave a guy alone unless you're leaving him alone.
Herbie Stemple: Come and see Herbie Stempel get thrown to the Columbia lions! Watch Charles Van Doren eat his first kosher meal in his life.
Dick Goodwin: I asked myself, "why would he do this, he knows I'll come after him?" Then it occurred to me. He knows I'll come after him.
Will Rodman: [from trailer] Caesar shows cognitive skills that far exceed that of a human counterpart. The drug in his system has radicly boosted healthy brain functions.
Sara Goldfarb: I'm walkin' across the stage! And you should see my Harry on television. We're giving the prizes away. [bursting into tears] Sara Goldfarb: I just wanted to be on the show!
[last lines] Ivan: Look... [shows a photo to Andrey] Andrey: Hide it. [Ivan puts the photo back] Ivan: Andrey, my feet are wet. Andrey: Take your shoes off.
[Shrek bursts into Fiona's and Farquaad's wedding] Lord Farquaad: Now really, it's rude enough being alive when no one wants you, but showing up uninvited to a wedding?
Gunshot Boy: Hey, come on! I'll show you where my dad keeps his gun. Come on! [turns to reveal bloody hole in the back of his head]
Gold Hat: Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any stinking badges.
Vlad: [Points at wanted poster of Flynn Rider] Is this you? [Moves finger away to show a long nose on the poster] Flynn Rider: Oh, now they're just being mean.
[repeated line] Truman: Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!
Christof: We need more light, we'll never find him this way. What time is it? Chloe: It's... way too early for that. Christof: Cue the sun.
Bus Driver: [unable to get the ferry moving] I'm usually the bus driver! Production Assistant: [into his radio] Bottom line is they can't drive the boat. They're actors!