Superficial similarities exist between Christianity and some ancient pagan religions. But careful study reveals that there are far more dissimilarities.
Calm self-confidence is as far from conceit as the desire to earn a decent living is remote from greed.
The politicians in this world... have at their command weapons of mass destruction far more complex than their own thinking processes.
I bought a pair of Birkenstocks today - let's be real. I wanted a chunky sandal that was functional. That should tell you where I am at as far as fashion.
How do we know where we're going? Follow the moon! Remember, the moon is always over Hollywood, and Needles isn't far from Hollywood.
We are not jumping on the austerity bandwagon. A healthy economy is by far the most important thing for Social Democrats.
Maxim 8: Mockery and derision have their place. Usually, it's on the far side of the airlock. -The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries
Unlike the objective of far too many companies, manufacturing is not about a quick 'exit.' It is centered on long-term value creation.
Have the hindsight to know where you've been, the foresight to know where you're going, and the insight to know when you're going too far
The hardest thing is the idea. Ideas come from somewhere but as far as we know they come from nowhere.
When you read something in script form, there are some subtleties that stand out with far greater gravitas than sometimes what you see on screen.
Three Royal Air Force aeroplanes have come over to us so far with their arms and equipment.
Travelling through the breeding places of our species is far from being as interesting to me as it is to inspect the breeding places of the feathery tribes of our country.
Mostly I have to try to censor myself so as not to write things that will hurt other people, or that will go too far.
For far too long the House of Commons has been run as little more than a private club by and for gentleman amateurs.
We live in a dominant culture of ceaseless Departure and Progress that has so far lasted two or three centuries.
What makes a classic is difficult to define. It's entirely subjective, of course. And the term is employed far too promiscuously.
I never reread what I've written. I'm far too afraid to feel ashamed of what I've done.
Those of us who have yet to find philanthropy may find there is a far greater reward from it than from wealth creation.
Some of the ideas that come from the fringe of the far right are just so implausible that it is hard to take those ideas seriously.
It seems that in Baltimore, one of the most violent cities in America, jurors are far more reluctant to convict criminal defendants than in the suburban enclaves that ring the city.