What I have to say is far more important than how long my eyelashes are.
Larger deficits are necessary and proper means to mitigate unemployment as the far greater evil in terms of human welfare.
Things come in a quieter way to me. It's not laziness, and it's not diffidence. I just know how far you have to bend for work. That's important for me.
I tell you, being on a soap is the hardest work, and it gets so old. Get on your mark, get in the light, don't turn too far upstage - that's all it is.
I believe that the war on drugs is a tragically misplaced use of resources - an immoral venture that produces far more suffering than it alleviates.
How far should a person go in the name of true love?
Obviously, all religions fall far short of their own ideals.
As far as I was concerned, the best thing one could do for the poor was to not add one’s self to their number.
Lust was edging confusion for the lead. Good sense had fallen far behind.
If love goes too far, it turns into cruelty.
Falling has become far more terrifying to me than rising.
You have traveled far, but the hardest part of a journey is always the next step.
My whole day has been a unicorn ride through a field of rainbows
So far I’m not seeing a lot of difference between me and a carnival con-man.
The one ring, to rule them all’? Sounds very far-fetched to me!
Far be it from me to keep a woman from her book. That could become dangerous
I'd far rather be happy than right any day.
It's far more important why is being said, than what.
A prayer couched in the words of the soul, is far more powerful than any ritual.
TV ushered in the age of postliteracy. And we have gone so far beyond that. I mean, what with the Internet and Google and Wikipedia. We have entered the age of post-intelligence.
I'm very much a romantic. I'm highly attuned to an older sensibility, which I believe is alive and well. We're not that far ahead of the Romantic Age in society.