There are many people who can do big things, but there are very few people who will do the small things.
I want people to come see my films and enjoy them but at the end of the day you can't control what people think.
In spite of what some people claim, we are not in a post-racial era. I think it's still an important issue to bring up.
Israel has created a new image of the Jew in the world - the image of a working and an intellectual people, of a people that can fight with heroism.
Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet. Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.
If you're doing what you think people might like, rather than doing what you like, people will see through it.
The only security for the American people today, or for any people, is to be found through the control of force rather than the use of force.
The number of people killed by the sanctions in Iraq is greater than the total number of people killed by all weapons of mass destruction in all of history.
Insane people are always sure that they are fine. It is only the sane people who are willing to admit that they are crazy.
I'm used to people being a mile away. That suits me. It's more nerve-wracking playing in front of people who are two feet away from me.
For a bill to become law, it truly has to be the will of the people, and for a president to stop the will of the people and stop what you're trying to do in your state is not the role of Washington.
Many people listen, but never hear, some hear only what they want to hear. A few people but listen, because they want to hear, and then they understand, they needeed to listen.
Many people listen, but never hear, some hear only what they want to hear. A few people but listen, because they want to hear, and then they understand, they needed to listen.
People, even independently minded people, do to an extent draw their impressions from what they are told, especially if they are told it incessantly by newspapers.
I'd rather reminisce about old memories I had with true people than record the moments I have with fake people
People say to me that I'm a role model in technology, but it makes me laugh, because I'm not a technologist, I'm a journalist - that's my background.
We shouldn't build a technology to colour, or grey out, what people say. The media in general is balanced, although there are a lot of issues to be addressed that the media rightly pick up on.
Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns; I am thankful that thorns have roses.
In Australian culture, people are just more laid back, people aren't as serious, they just take their time with things. It's just like, whatever, if I don't get it done I don't get it done.
I am called a gold digger all the time. I don't care. There is nothing you can do about what other people say.
Many think of management as cutting deals and laying people off and hiring people and buying and selling companies. That's not management; that's dealmaking.