Some people keep wandering aimlessly from womb to tomb. They seek nothing and achieve nothing.-RVM
Some people go to Berlin to get more cutting edge; I went and started wearing lederhosen and going to visit baroque palaces.
Being an American is such a rich environment, because there's so many people from other countries and cultures, and through that you're able to see other people's experiences.
People generally let me be me. People are aware that I'm not someone particularly begging for attention. They hold back a bit with me.
Normal people... believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet.
I do like to dress up and look nice, and I'm inspired by people who do the same - people who express themselves through how they dress.
Cruel people offer pity when they no longer feel threatened. However, kind people offer compassion and understanding regardless.
The most intriguing people you will encounter in this life are the people who had insights about you, that you didn't know about yourself.
Most people know the physical senses, but a lot of people don’t know the soul’s senses: empathy, trust, intuition, love and harmony
People change for two main reasons: either their minds have been opened or their hearts have been broken
Love is the currency of your heart, spend it on people who enrich your life instead of people who constantly hurt you
You make a movie with some people, you become friends over the process of making this movie and then... you go your own way.
I see myself as quite feminine. But many people seem to think differently about that; sometimes people mistake me for a man. In Paris I often hear 'bonjour monsieur'.
I think it shows that if you have one group of people doing it, you'll get another group of people doing it.
The world I describe is about how people live now. It's not about zany people with unlimited, inexplicable funds in an apartment somewhere.
I am prone to reshape and refashion things to try and please as many people as I can, to get as many nods or smiles out of as many people as possible.
You know how dey say some people “devour” books? Not in da way ME do! Me REALLY devour books!
So the majority of Americans are conservatives. They believe in things like the Constitution. I know that's weird to some people but they believe in it.
People negotiate their way around how a human mind works and find blind points. That's how people steal effectively.
There are people that very strongly identify themselves as gay and then lesbian, and then I think there are a lot of people who are kind of some percentage or some version of that.
Do the right thing. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest.