I have an amazing family. I was raised in a wonderful mid-west family.
The Royal family have always been great philanthropists.
I love hanging out with friends and family.
I'm from a big family. I've got 10 nieces and nephews.
I want to work with the big orchestras. I want to have a big family.
I look at 'Breaking Bad' as a show about the American family.
I have an extended family of close friends, guy and girls.
I came from a huge extended family of musicians.
My family life is a deep source of satisfaction.
I grew up in a strong family; we had strong family bonds.
I haven't had a family, but I don't think of that as a sacrifice: my dancers are my family.
Our families should gather for family prayer morning and night.
We have freedoms and boundaries; we just have a great family life.
I have a big family, and I spend a lot of time with them.
I grew up in a family of secrets; there was a lot of pathology in the family.
I've had a nontabloid life because I had a really good family.
There is a Jewish tradition of family, too, but then not all Italian or Jewish families are close.
My family is as far from a stage family as you could ever possibly find.
I have friends and family that are filled with massive amounts of integrity. And it shouldn't be an oddity.
It takes a lot of courage as an actor to take time off for family. But family is everything.