I am the odd man out in the family.
I'm the only one in my family with an American accent.
I have to make it my job to be careful with my family.
I had no fun. My family was too serious.
Everyone in my family has seen me cry before.
As a heart surgeon I am on constant call, and when not researching or giving lectures, I like to be with my family.
The adage 'a family that prays together, stays together' is so true.
My family was very, very receptive to all; all races, religions.
The family has a social function and so it should be sustained.
My goal was to prove to my family I wasn't a dummy.
All I wanted to do was please my adopted family.
The film industry is a lovely family and I respect it.
There are a lots of clowns in our family - our house is a fun house.
My work and my family are very important to me.
Three-quarters of my family is Irish. Of course, the 'Kazee' is not.
I'm a homebody. If I'm not working I'm with my family being a dad.
Fathers in today's modern families can be so many things.
The family is the nucleus of civilization.
All the men in my family were bearded, and most of the women.
My family is more important than my party.
I've always been attracted to temporary families.