There was an omnivorous intellect that won him the family sobriquet of Walking Encyclopedia.
It's only when the kids are in their late twenties that families really face up to what they are.
You don't build a family by tearing down another one.
Mother is the center of the family; everyone else surrounds her.
Clark: I dedicate this house to the Griswold Family Christmas.
I love books about dysfunctional families.
you don't turn your back on family, even when they do.
Heart - Family Body - Lazy Mind - Work Soul - Happy
Families are nothing other than the idolatry of duty.
Family' is not just a biological word, it's an an operative one.
I come from a place where there's a lot of musical families.
I think families find a dynamic that works for them.
Black women are supposed to be 'strong,' but the burden of carrying our race and carrying our families adds the pressure.
I so believe that older women have tremendous value to their families, their community, their country, the world.
I represent the small businesses, the women, and the families working so hard to rebuild our communities.
To reboot your association for success, you must shift your beliefs to realize how vitally important key investments in technology can be as an ongoing and personalized communication tool with your members.
A man was leaning idly against an elm. ... The man, who towered over the poet even at his slanting angle, too old for a student and too worn for a faculty member, stared at him with the familiar, insatiable gleam of the literary admirer.
We are not subjects of a State founded upon law, but members of a society founded upon revolution. Revolution is our obligation: our hope of evolution. The Revolution is in the individual spirit, or it is nowhere. It is for all, or it is nothing. If ...
Are you listening, Jasper? Sometimes you'll be walking in the city late at night, and a woman walking in front of you will spin her head around and then cross the street simply because some members of your gender rape women and molest children!
Just as the church needs members with different skills, our world must have various forms of labor, interdependent and thus valuable. A world full of ministers would be without churches, bread for the Lord's Supper, and printed Bibles to read.
But some words to men and women, boys and girls alike: The quality of the work must merit the readers' time and money. Do it for yourself, but make yourself a member of your own audience. There is no other way to evaluate your own progress.