The underlying part of any comprehensive immigration bill is family unit.
Family is everything to me. Family and health are the two most important things to me.
Yet there are thousands of Indigenous people searching for family members.
The Skakel family, when they married into the Kennedys, was so wealthy, they could have purchased the Kennedy family.
It's hard to keep family life and workplace separated.
I can't be the big star in the family. We have a family, and we are all equal.
A large family makes you accept sharing your parents.
I really miss the Australian lifestyle and being around my friends and family.
Rosecrans is a family name - it used to be a last name in our family.
Sitting down to a meal with an Indian family is different from sitting down to a meal with a British family.
People treat me like family, 'cause I've always treated them like family.
The women in my family are all super-emotional. The catchphrase in our family is 'Listen to my words, not my tears.'
In the fall term of 1933-34 I was on my family farm in Maine.
I know gay parents, and I support them and their families. They are good parents and loving families.
'First Family' on the CW is about the president and his family living in the White House.
Of course, screwed up families are not the exclusive province of the famous. Still, most families get to screw up in private.
First memory: a man at the back door is saying, I have real bad news, sweat is dripping off his face, Garbert's been shot, noise from my mother, I run to her room behind her, I'm jumping on the canopied bed while she cries, she's pulling out drawers ...
As a young man I started searching for my own identity by looking into family, friends and inside Myself. My mother always taught us to live free even when confined, meaning “never let anyone break you down physically or mentally.” Since my livin...
Mila Yugorsky: I was prostitute in Moscow. Yugorsky Escort Service offered to bring girls over with promise of big bucks. We would owe $50,000, you know, pay back through work. I take offer, not tell them I'm pregnant. When they find out, they insist...
I just want to be enough for you, but I never can be. This can never be enough for you. But this is all you get. You get me, and your family, and this world. This is your life. I'm sorry if it sucks. But you're not going to be the first man on Mars a...
I look upon the whole world as my fatherland, & every war has to me the horror of a family feud. I look upon true patriotism as the brotherhood of man & the service of all to all. The only fighting that saves is the one that helps the world toward li...