Beware the barrenness of a busy life.
All of the myths of mankind are nothing but show business,' the other man said to me during our initial meeting. 'Everything that we supposedly live by and supposedly die by — whether it's religious scriptures or makeshift slogans — all of it is ...
To succeed in the digital realm, technology has to provide a strong disruptive element right from the start. If things cannot be done differently , a transition to digital is not going to be compelling enough for a wide enough adoption to create sust...
Today’s businesses can’t just use social media; they have to become social businesses, inside and out and from top to bottom. Ultimately, that is the goal of this book: to harness the power of being a social business to become the most highly rec...
[on the Tiger Moth, Louie is escorting Pazu to the Tiger Moth's engine room] Louis: Work, work, work. Busy, busy, busy, busy. Left, right, left, right. You're not here to have fun. [inside the engine room; we see the gears turning] Louis: As you can ...
Dine with a friend but do not do business with him.
God is a busy worker but loves to be helped.
Insects do not nest in a busy door-hinge.
Trust in God, but mind your own business.
Show business got really tainted for me.
I've lectured at the Harvard Business School several times.
Being in the music business is a totally different industry right there.
I love the music business very much.
I may quit the music business someday, but never the music.
I'm a business person at heart.
Generally the whole entertainment business now is bland.
I happened to come along in the music business when there was no trend.
Ask Mother for advice on breaking into show business.
I've been in the bargain basement of the movie business.
Show business is my life.
Is it hard to make a living in show business? Yeah.