...my dreams are tangled in images of stars and clouds and firelight - we go camping at night - it's my lucid dream of being with you...
you cross the field in the snow leaving tracks in perfect whiteness ...disturbing my placid universe...marking the landscape within me ...
...you've lost perspective? Well, get it back - God alone has the third person point of view in this life ...
...a bard's down-to-earth love: My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun; Coral is far more red and when she walks, treads on the ground...
...don't you realize a flawless profile means nothing when a mere smile drives me to desperation? Don't you covet that power?..
...all this time I've been worshiping you - when other men wanted to kiss you, I've been offering the praise of my lips...
...When people lose their way and lack a real purpose for living they often fall back on certain forms of escapism as a form of self-soothing...
...the wind has a purpose - to rattle the window panes, disturb the cat and make me miss you ...
...I've known damnable beauty - the turgid pull of swirling blackness - but in the end, it's futile - purity alone redeems...
...I know Shakespeare said art is holding up a mirror to nature- but you're actually bending and refracting it through your interior dialogue ...
....you were a jumble of broken bits of glass the sun caught and stained my soul with your colors....
...a sensual life is a ghostly existence where you live on the surface and your soul passes through everything, touching nothing ...
...it was inevitable I loved you - we were soul mates - for the same reason, we were fated to suffer...
...I gave you painted air - tears I couldn't weep - truths I couldn't speak - all the words that caught in my throat...
...some say Twitter seems trite and lacks weightiness - but in actuality, it lends itself to poetry - it can be very compressed and intense...
...come lie beside me again and understand - the others can show by actions, but I alone will immortalize you in words...
...what is the meaning of La Belle Dame Sans Merci? - have you never been enthralled? enchantment that is unrequited desolates the soul...
...I'm the last person to ask about unrequited love - I've run away to the Moon and fled to its valleys...
...some nights I'd sneak out and listen to the radio in my Dad's old Chevy - children need solitude - they don't teach that in school...
...how are you sacred to me? your lines are golden threads - your patter, my patten - I explore the liturgy of your words...
...good words - that triumphalism of positivity- but life will claw and eat you - chew you over and over - if you carry such a small knife ...