Henry Barthes: We have such a responsibility to guide our young so that they don't end up falling apart, falling by the wayside, becoming insignificant.
[Alan falls from the window of the car because the door on the passenger side doesn't open] Mr. Chow: [laughs obnoxiously] Funny fat guy fall on face!
Papa: The race is not for the swift, nor the battle for the strong, But time and chance happens to them all. Fate's hand falls suddenly, who can say when it falls?
Science casts a long black shadow back over who we think we are, and where it falls the temperature falls with it. Its touch is chilly and unforgiving.
The interesting thing is that I found scenes which I put together which could appeal to almost every woman, or apply to almost every woman after the war. Falling in love, dancing, marrying.
I think the accessories look very modern and very exciting. These big earrings, these big hoops. I think the girls are sort of falling in love with... collars, neck collars.
If you can show something as complicated as two people falling in love with just music and camera angles, well, just think about what you can do with football.
When we're falling in love or out of it, that's when we most need a song that says how we feel. Yeah, I write a lot of songs about boys. And I'm very happy to do that.
One of my favorite fall items is a turtleneck. Cozy pieces like that for the fall - cashmere, fluffy cream turtlenecks - I think that's so sexy.
We can't control on how each day will fall, but we can control how we fall into each day. Learn to make adjustments to match the circumstances.
We need music the most when we’re feeling things really intensely. I think the most intense times in your life are when you’re either falling in love or losing it
Truly Falling In Love With you is not one of the greatest mistake of my Life but Trusting you madly is one of the biggest mistake of my life ever . :(
When I rise up let me rise up joyful like a bird. When I fall let me fall without regret like a leaf.
Where does the family start? It starts with a young man falling in love with a girl - no superior alternative has yet been found.
If the main timbers in the house are not straight, the smaller timber will be unsafe; and if the smaller timbers are not straight, the house will fall.
If you get up one more time than you fall you will make it through.
After taking ninety-nine years to climb a stairway, the tortoise falls and says there is a curse on haste.
For such is the noble nature of man, that his heart will never wholly lose itself in one single passion or idol, or, as people call it apologetically, one idea. On it goes from one devotion to the next, not because it is ashamed of its first love, bu...
In life, people tend to wait for good things to come to them. And by waiting, they miss out. Usually, what you wish for doesn't fall in your lap; it falls somewhere nearby, and you have to recognize it, stand up, and put in the time and work it takes...
I always thought that falling in love should feel like jumping from a cliff. A fall that scares you as much as it excites you, that leaves you breathless and wanting more. The impossible kind … that ruins you for everyone else. This wasn’t it, an...
Snow not falling but flying sidewise, and sudden, not signaled by the slow curdling of clouds all day and a flake or two drifting downward, but rushing forward all at once as though sent for. (The blizzard of '36 had looked like that.) And filling up...