Too many people get married and lose themselves. You have to fiercely hold on to who you are, and you need to celebrate that in the other person because that's what made you fall in love in the first place.
Many people when they fall in love look for a little haven of refuge from the world, where they can be sure of being admired when they are not admirable, and praised when they are not praiseworthy.
All this happens without him knowing - they actually install cameras in his apartment and hire this girl to get him to fall in love with her so that she can be in the apartment and present him products without him knowing.
Criticism starts - it has to start - with a real passion for reading. It can come in adolescence, even in your twenties, but you must fall in love with poems.
One thing a lyricist must learn is not to fall in love with his own lines. Once you learn that, you can walk away from the lyric and look at it with a reasonable degree of objectivity.
One does not travel, any more than one falls in love, to collect material. It is simply part of one's life...
Why not fall in love with an artist? Otherwise there are no letters, pictures, paintings and songs for you when you wake up.
If you love three people at the same time, choose the first one, because if there was a 4th or 5th one, you might still fall for them.
I loved that it was about human relationships and then it was a mystery without falling into the trap of a thriller per se, because it pulled you in through people rather than through events or effects.
Never stop smiling not even when you're sad, someone might fall in love with your smile.
We do not choose the one we fall in love with, and our perception of happiness is our own and is determined by what we experience...
I can't imagine a romance novel published today where the hero rapes the heroine and she falls in love with him.
Never fall for anyone. It's only sadness that is gifted by them to you in your rest of the life.Kills the loving person inside you.
Joanna Drayton: It never occurred to me that I would fall in love with a Negro, but I have, and nothing's going to change that.
Kanji: Life is so short / Fall in love, dear maiden / While your lips are still red / And before you are cold, / For there will be no tomorrow.
Tristan: Because you love her, I will forgive that, ONCE! Say that again, and you are no longer my brother.
Yuri Orlov: You can't force someone to fall in love with you but, you can definitely improve your odds.
Argentinean: Never fall in love with a woman who sells herself. It always ends... Argentinean: [screams] BAD!
Dr. Alex Brulov: Women make the best psychoanalysts until they fall in love. After that they make the best patients.
Nefretiri: Oh, Moses, Moses, why of all men did I fall in love with a prince of fools?
After many decades of Disney movies, we have been conditioned to expect princesses to fall in love quickly with their charming princes and 'live happily ever after.'