Olivia Wenscombe: I *have* fallen in love with him, Robert. Robert Angier: Then I know how hard this has been for you.
John Glenn: [Cooper had fallen asleep waiting to launch] Sorry to interupt, buddy, but we've got a launch here!
Frank Serpico: [Lombardo has fallen] You okay? Insp. Lombardo: Yeah... makes me feel like a cop again.
Cowardly Lion: [noticing the snow that fallen on the poppy field] Unusual weather we're having, ain't it?
I know the game wasn't a classic, but the night was about more than that-it was about bringing back the memories and raising money for former heroes who have now fallen on hard times.
I think there are times in a lot of people's pasts where they've unintentionally fallen in love with really damaged people. You go out with someone who's a mess so you can feel less of a mess.
I praise CBS for taking a risk, which is always the price you pay for opportunity. This is not standard movie of the week storytelling. I think movies of the week have fallen into a niche and that isn't my niche.
Short sellers sell stock they have borrowed, hoping to buy it back later when its price has fallen.
Give me a land of boughs in leaf A land of trees that stand; Where trees are fallen there is grief; I love no leafless land.
They say compassion is the only voice; a gift which can help mend the broken, lift the fallen and soften the hardened.
She smashes her knuckles into winter As autumn's wind fades into black She is the saint of all the sinners, the one whose fallen through the cracks... (iViva la Gloria!)
I slide my arm from under the sleeper's head and it is numb, full of swarming pins, on the tip of each, waiting to be counted, the fallen angels sit.
Every Westerner is jubilating that the Berlin Wall has fallen. Something worst than the Berlin Wall is in Palestine; and nobody is talking about it.
She smiled. Her skin looked whiter than he recalled, and dark spidery veins were beginning to show beneath its surface. Her hair was still the color of spun silver and her eyes were still green as a cat’s. She was still beautiful. Looking at her, h...
Training?'Clary echoed."But we trained yesterday." "Some of us have to train everyday,Clary."Jace didnt sound angry,but there was a harshness to his tone,and Clary flushed."Ill see you later,"he added without looking at her,and practically flung hims...
Smiles A Lot: [after Otter has fallen off his horse during the attempt to steal Cisco] [all in Lakota, subtitled] Smiles A Lot: What happened? Otter: I don't know. My arm won't work. Worm: [riding up] What happened? Smiles A Lot: Otter hurt himself. ...
He looked like a fallen angel, replete with all the dangerous male beauty that Lucifer could devise.
Trust me, somewhere over the rainbow, happily ever after, etcetera, etcetera - looks far less likely in your mid-thirties.
I need you. Right now. Let me love you right here, please.
Freedom requires effort if it is to be won and vigilance if it is to be maintained. People just don't value freedom until it is taken away.
You said everything I needed to hear. I'm hooked now. You have me. What are you going to do with me?