The first noble truth of the Buddha is that when we feel suffering, it doesn’t mean that something is wrong. What a relief. Finally somebody told the truth. Suffering is part of life, and we don’t have to feel it’s happening because we personal...
To be mad is to feel with excruciating intensity the sadness and joy of a time which has not arrived or has already been. And to protect their delicate vision of that other time, madmen will justify their condition with touching loyalty, and surround...
I feel like I’m going to get in a fight one day about the validity of falling in love so fast. Not a heated one because why would I give a shit if some other person gets it or not? Right now, it’s no longer the big flooding rush like when I saw h...
In every relationship, the deeper the connection goes and the longer the time that passes between the two together— the more and more levels will be dug up which equates to more and more boulders being discovered, more and more buried cities uneart...
There is no mistaking a real book when one meets it. It is like falling in love, and like that colossal adventure it is an experience of great social import. Even as the tranced swain, the booklover yearns to tell others of his bliss. He writes lette...
I had worked my way through a thousand problems, like when the tar paper bulged on the corners so I used a strap wrapped around the whole house and ratcheted it tight to attach the trim; I had figured that out without using a book, and that was just ...
Caesar was a serial seducer of married women.
He was foolish enough to fall completely in love with someone who didn't think he had a heart.
We should fall in love. Love each other enough to shit at the same time on the same toilet.
It was a way of recognizing places of enchantment: people falling asleep like this.
Ideas too sometimes fall from the tree before they are ripe.
She was young and alive, untouchable. Why did she want to go?
You’re the purest, most genuine thing that ever happened to me.- Caleb
Fear cannot be trusted...It exaggerates everything. It is both treacherous and dishonest.
Then his heart, now broken into a thousand pieces, slowly began to turn to ice.
Magic will find those with pure hearts, even when all seems lost.
Expendable was not the word I was looking to hear to boost my morale, but whatever.
Damn, there goes my chance for some hot sexy talk.
Don't read it. Just shred and burn, or your eyes will melt.
What was to fear from a foe that could be defeated by a few potholes and the heat of the sun?
The world was fair, the mountains tall In Elder Days before the fall...