When Jack White called and wanted me to do a video and play mandolin with The Raconteurs, I didn't know anything about The Raconteurs at that time.
I think Vegas is the answer for pregnant people because of insomnia. It's open all the time and you go down and play your silly slots.
My time on television began, and I started playing victims. I did about 10 or 12 years of them, which gets boring, right?
Any time you play in a USGA Championship, if you don't drive the ball on the fairway, you're dead. You're done.
I started skiing around the same time as I began playing the piano, at around four, before moving to the violin at five.
I like playing tennis. I've always enjoyed the process of being a tennis player; I'm just not sure that I enjoyed the travel at the end, and my body didn't recover from the day-to-day grind.
Barry Guiler: You can come and play now.
Bellatrix Lestrange: He knows how to play. Itty-bitty-baby-Potter.
Jimmy Chitwood: I play, coach stays. He goes, I go.
[playing backgammon] Tony Stark: [rolling a 6 and 5] Sheesh o besh. Yinsen: Good roll.
Quint: [as he spots Hooper sitting on the deck playing solitaire] Stop playin' with yourself, Hooper.
Perry: Do not play detective. This is not a book. This is not a movie.
Mrs. Iselin: Why don't you pass the time by playing a little solitaire?
Jack Torrance: [typed] All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
James Bond: [to M] So this is it, then. We're both played out.
Rex the Green Dinosaur: At last! I'm gonna get played with!
Plainview: Now go. Go and play some more, and don't come back.
Moon: Quincy, he never played me false until he killed me.
V: I, like God, do not play with dice and do not believe in coincidence.
Willy Wonka: It's a musical lock. [begins playing Mozart's 'Marriage Of Figaro'] Mrs. Teevee: Rachmaninoff.
That was real baseball. We weren't playing for money. They gave us Mickey Mouse watches that ran backwards.