Some people say video games rot your brain, but I think they work different muscles that maybe you don't normally use.
From my years of work with so many game show production companies and their producers I'm probably no longer eligible to be a contestant on any American game show.
On a strange and devious way, Siddhartha had gotten into this final and most base of all dependencies, by means of the game of dice. It was since that time, when he had stopped being a Samana in his heart, that Siddhartha began to play the game for m...
Those who play the game do not see as clearly as those who watch.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back into the same box.
He who makes the first bad move always loses the game.
Revenge may be wicked, but it’s natural.
Aimer lire, c'est faire un échange des heures d'ennui contre des heures délicieuses.
If life is unfair with everyone, doesn’t that make life fair
'My Fair Lady' will never get old for me.
Equal opportunity means everyone will have a fair chance at being incompetent.
The Government's mission is to build a strong and fair Australia capable of meeting the new challenges of the 21st century.
I will end the history of division and conflict through reconciliation and fairness.
One of the great things about the universe is that it's fair.
Laissez Faire was very good sauce for the goose, labor, but was very poor sauce for the gander, capital.
I hope I will be remembered as a good father and a fair employer. And a good host, of course!
There was no such thing as a fair fight. All vulnerabilities must be exploited.
The first duty of a newspaper is to be accurate. If it be accurate, it follows that it is fair.
Le mieux que je puisse faire pour mon ami est d'être son ami.
Nothing's worse than a guy who loses fair and square and then whines about it.
Skype actually does get a fair bit of revenue.