Failure is becoming someone who needs others to fail.
Don't let success lead to arrogance and failure lead to criticism.
Every failure brings success nearer to your doorstep.
Success is never final. Failure is never fatal. It s courage that counts.
In the use of force, one simplifies the situation by assuming that the evil to be overcome is clear-cut, definite, and irreversible. Hence there remains but one thing: to eliminate it. Any dialogue with the sinner, any question of the irreversibility...
When I thought about why I was sometimes reluctant to push myself, I realized that it was because I was afraid of failure - but in order to have more success, I needed to be willing to accept more failure.
Failure is just part of the process, and it's not just okay; it's better than okay. God doesn't want failure to shut us down. God didn't make it a three-strikes-and-you're-out sort of thing. It's more about how God helps us dust ourselves off so we c...
Many signs point to the fact that the youth of the Third World will no longer tolerate living in circumstances that give them no hope for the future. From the young boys I met in the demobilization camps in Sierra Leone to the suicide bombers of Pale...
Men crawl in slime and wallow in the mud; The Realist groans: "All life is mud ans slime!" Men lie and steal and shed each other's blood; And Realism sees but blood and crime. Yet Right is just as real as Wrong, The mountain peak is real as the ooze,...
Success is simply never giving in to failure - either in mind or body.
Our failures don't forfeit God's faithfulness.
It is easier to win than to fail. Everybody sides with the winner. But the failure walks alone.
There are no failures. Just experiences.
The fear is the abyss between failure and success.
It's failure that gives you the proper perspective on success.
His failure became my destiny
...You mistake other people’s success as your own failure...
The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows.
There is only one failure in life possible, and that is not to be true to the best one knows.
You’re not a failure. You’re a survivor. Call me. –Drew
Don’t ever perceive other people’s success as your own failure.