Awkward silences rule the world. People are so terrified of awkward silences that they will literally go to war rather than face an awkward silence.
In terms of 'Saving Face,' I was inspired by the stories of survivors who didn't let their attacks stop them from pursuing justice and seeking treatment.
We tend to focus on assets and forget about debts. Financial security requires facing up to the big picture: assets minus debts.
I'm sorry to say I'm very lizard-like. My skin is dry, so covering my face in greasy antioxidants is a better alternative.
We need a foreign policy that distinguishes America's friends from her enemies, and recognizes the true threats that we face.
I don't like drawing characters facing right. If I tried to do that at a book signing, I'd have to pencil it first.
Republicans have to be relieved. Given all the bad news this White House has faced, at least the president's hemorrhaging has stopped.
Beautiful face doesn't makes your heart beautiful, But a beautiful heart always projects you as a beautiful person.
I got my very last tattoo after my father died. I'm not getting anymore; otherwise I'll end up like Mike Tyson with a tattoo on my face.
I gotta say, as the father of two beautiful young daughters, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.
The choice facing the American people is not between growth and stagnation, but between short-term growth and long-term disaster.
To the extent that Israel does face threats, like from say Hamas or Hezbollah, those are threats that do not jeopardise Israel's existence.
Let's face it: innovation in the U.S. is now the province of our thriving city-states. We all know that nothing happens in Washington anymore.
As we consider the causes of depression, those of us in the church must face the ways we might be responsible for creating it.
I don't leave my house - I don't care if it's raining or scorching hot out - without a face cream with a minimum of SPF 15, if not more.
Brands are in your face 24/7; I'm sure you've consumed a couple brands today. So it's fun working with them. People recognize brands, and people are starting to recognize my brand.
Animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around. An extremely yang solution to a peculiar problem which they faced.
Hope for the best,brace yourself for the worst and no matter what you’re faced with, make a plan to KEEP GOING!
so many people would be afraid to look in the mirror if the saw their character and not their face…it would be like american horror story.
I have rarely seen the face of a mechanic in the action of creation which was not fine, never one which was not earnest and impressive.
I was a very poor young black boy in New Orleans, just a face without a name, swimming in a sea of poverty trying to survive.