Judging by your face, the what-the-fuck nodes in your cerebral cortex must be a real light show.
The AskGo ahead, nigga,” Jah said, aiming the pistol at the cabdriver’s face. “You got some frog in you?
Hood Ratin a slapfight with Jesus my face bleeds because no one cut their fingernails back then
Hallelujah, Giant Space WolfThe true atheist is the one who refuses to see God's image in the face of their neighbour.
The Irresistible Revolution: Living as an Ordinary RadicalHave sex with Adam? I'd rather grab a defibrillator paddle and burn the other side of my face.
I Am YoursYou had this expression on your face, like you weren’t quite sure you were supposed to be on Earth.
I Wrote This For YouI have seen many a face that was more good-looking — never one that looked half so good.
John Halifax, GentlemanAn answering smile drifted across his tanned face. "What is mine, I intend to keep.
A Kingdom of Dreams