Face the complexity involved in making ethical choices.
The face is a picture of the mind with the eyes as its interpreter.
Shared grief is just pride with a sad face.
I think the world needs to see more of my face.
The present is only faced in any generation by the artist.
We are facing a storm that most of us have long feared.
You only mature when you face problems you can't deal with.
I cannot wait to stare into the face of my children and be in love.
a story is ready when it falls from your face
There are times when you have to face your enemies, sit down and deal with it.
You cannot let people come up in your face and stop you.
Tears were frozen to the book theif's face.
There is only one woman in the world. One woman, with many faces.
I still eat a burger at a counter with ketchup dripping down my face.
I understand business and understand the ugly face of baseball, which is the business part of baseball.
It is right to endure with resignation what the gods send, and to face one's enemies with courage.
You don't change the course of history by turning the faces of portraits to the wall.
My face has changed with the years and has enough history in it to give audiences something to work with.
Let's face it: we live at a time when government is less and less powerful, less and less effective, and the agent of social change, at least for the immediate future, is the corporation.
I would rather die than see my face in a car advertisement.
Dealing with death is there forever, really, you know, because we all have to face it.