Choices create our map as we travel toward the new reality we are creating ~
Old Maggie's Spirit WhispersWe must accept the reality that the causes of impatience travel a two-way street.
Patience: The Art of Peaceful LivingEvery single desire can lead to dream and every single dream has possibility to become reality.
Quote Me EverydayDreams can be of value even if you don’t have an opportunity to turn them into reality.
The Troubled ManI just realized my reality, and I’d like to say No Thanks. I’m going back to sleep.
This Book Has No TitleIn reality, there are no enemies; we're all souls in growth, waking up
The Tenth Insight: Holding the VisionFaith is the poetry of our dreams; action is the builder of our reality.
Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience