I died on a bitter cold night. Beneath a black sky and a bruised winter moon, I tried to fly, hoping my arms might act as wings.
Mortals cannot perceive me with the physical eye whilst in my pure form unless it is of my choosing, for it would result in fatality, which leaves the question as to why you are an exception.
En el Tibet creemos que el único enemigo es el hombre a quien no conocemos; basta trabajar junto a un hombre, hablar con él y tratarlo para que deje de ser un enemigo.
Opinamos que el hombre fuerte puede permitirse el lujo de ser amable, mientras que el dócil e inseguro de sí mismo tiene que fanfarronear para darse un poco de seguridad.
She, however, attentively watched my looks, and her artist's pride was gratified, no doubt, to read my heartfelt admiration in my eyes.
You see, this is the beauty I want. Beauty has got to be astonishing, astounding--it's got to burst in on you like a dream, like the exquisite eyes of a girl.
She was almost felled to the ground by the extraordinary sight which now met her eyes. There was the garden and some birds. The world was going on as usual. All the time she was writing the world had continued.
It was a strange, wonderful feeling. To discover eyes upon you when you expected no one to notice you at all.
Despair dragged at me like an anchor, pulling me down. I closed my eyes and retreated to some dim place within, where there was nothing but an aching grey blankness…
I kept thinking of her eyes, the depths of them, the way she looked right into me, and I wasn't afraid of what she'd find.
Yeah, but will it hurt?”’ I asked. “This is science, Zach,” Randy said, reassuringly, as he tilted my head back and lowered the lens to my eye. “Of course it will hurt.
When you write about what you dream, you become a writer. When you dream about what you write, you become haunted by a curse.
Every discovery in science and art, is due to the trained power of seeing things ... Keep your eyes open, your ears open ... Trace difficulties.
You're something, alright." I laughed into his bare chest, my eyes closing. "I'm your something..." His voice trailed off into a wisper as I drifted off.
Sylvi wished she could gouge out the look in Dorogin's stony eyes, and change the course of history. She wished Fthoom had been eaten by a sea monster.
Close your eyes and turn your face into the wind. Feel it sweep along your skin in an invisible ocean of exultation. Suddenly, you you are .
Perhaps he was afraid as I was that we'd be caught. Or perhaps he was breathing me in just as I was letting him come into my lungs, my eyes, my heart.
And because people are stupid and use their noses only for blowing, but believe absolutely anything they see with their eyes, they will say it is because this is a girl with beauty and grace and charm.
When you encounter unexpected situation, don’t panic. Close our eyes, take a deep breath and pray. It will relief you of any anxiety.
Greatness does not approach him who is forever looking down". My eyes are seeing through what the ordinary men call a mirage!
Do you know what is truly magnificent? One tear, which is falling down from an authentic sensitive person's eye. Down the cheek and adorns the floor.