She was surprised to find that something from deep down in herself welled into her eyes and burned her cheeks: a few poor tears shed by one who never cried!
Then Dad started going on about the complex geological formations in this part of the coast until Mum told him to shut up. But she was smiling when she said it. Lucy liked that.
Pero recordé que no estamos aquí porque nos guste, sino para aprender cosas, lo mismo que no se va a la escuela porque sea divertido, sino para ilustrarse; y ¿qué es la vida en la tierra sino una escuela?
I didn't ask to be born!" "No, but I asked." He was breathing hard. His eyes hard and glinting with a fire that burned straight through me. "I asked for you every day of my life!
That your eyes are like bits of sky seen through the leaves. And that, like the rain washes the mud from the leaves, you... how did he say it? Oh yes. That you wash the darkness from the world.
I promise you that this isn't going to be our future, Kitten. I will give that to you—a normal life." Her eyes glistened. "I don’t expect a normal life. I just expect a life with you
I think of the five generations it will take before [Mr. Perfect]'s born, and I want to scream. I want someone now. I want someone who will look into my eyes and understand everything behind them.
I don't know if i can," I said, looking up into Archer's eyes. "Honestly, Archer....I'm tired of being scared, tired of loving you on one hand and hating you on the other.
Whatever is, is in its causes just; But purblind man Sees but a part o' th' chain; the nearest link; His eyes not carrying to that equal beam That poises all above.
Bless the bright eyes of your sex! They never see, whether for good or bad, more than one side of any question; and that is always, the one which first presents itself to them.
The Rose does not preen herself to catch my eye. She blooms because she blooms. A saint is a saint until he knows he is one.
Tumbling-hair picker of buttercups violets dandelions And the big bullying daisies through the field wonderful with eyes a little sorry Another comes also picking flowers
Is that your cheap way of telling me you want to kiss me?” He looks into my eyes, his dark gaze capturing mine. “ , I always want to kiss you.
But his eyes say what he can’t. I see it, clear as day, even if she doesn’t. He’d give up his wings for her. All she’d have to do is ask.
People who have always gone right don't know half as much about the nature and ways of going right as those do who have gone wrong.
Methinks thou dost protest too much.” “And me thinks that guys who spout Shakespeare should be smacked in the face with a two by four,” Jeremy shot back. --Rafe & Jeremy
If I really seem vain, it is that I am only vain in my ways—not in my heart. The worst women are those vain in their hearts, and not in their ways.
Wait,” Quinn said. “There’s one more thing.” I turned around and raised an eyebrow. His eyes were wary and he lacked his usual confidence. “Go to the Winter Dance with me.
It's your eyes, I think. They promise something kind. Heaven help the world should you ever turn dark. You would send Satan himself scrambling.
George's hand lifted and fell away again. It seemed an insult to imply that anything so small as a touch could stop the raw feeling in Sir Stephen's suddenly dark and haunted eyes.
Measured against eternity, our time on earth is just a blink of an eye...