I have a particular disdain for Islamic extremism, and of course, in both 'The Kite Runner' and 'A Thousand Splendid Suns' that's obvious.
There are a lot of places that I know extremely well. Like, if I were to visit Sydney, Australia, I'd feel very comfortable there. I'm very comfortable in many, many cities.
Having been on tour in countries that are extremely eco-friendly, we automatically end up doing the things that normal people do in other countries.
Fluctuating ultimate extreme levels of a moment of time is the fabric of the universe, and we are nothing- only single moment in the grand ocean of time.
In particular what is most important to me is the transformation of a sound by slowing it down, sometimes extremely, so that the inner of sound becomes a conceivable rhythm.
I am the extreme member of the band because I never go out after the show. It's my rule.
I want to make an extremely strong appeal to those who abstained. Vote. It takes five minutes and then it's for five years.
I feel like I'm creeping closer to finding the situation that triggers songwriting, which is obviously an extreme of an emotion.
We sometimes freeze the specimen with liquid nitrogen, which is extremely cold, you know. This is another technique we use now - but the specimens are not alive.
I was not extremely patriotic about Mother Russia. I played their game, pretending. You have to deal with, you know, party people, KGB. Horrifying.
I'm always slightly envious of people who become extremely rich without anyone knowing who the hell they are, like financiers.
For me, disability is a way of getting some extremity, some kind of very difficult situation, that throws an interesting light on people.
They wanted Bridgette to be this extremely enigmatic character. Im about the least enigmatic person on the planet, so I just thought what I did on the show was boring.
On the day, therefore, when I went to the church to be confirmed, with a number of others, I suffered extremely from the reproaches of my conscience.
Extreme busyness is a symptom of deficient vitality, and a faculty for idleness implies a catholic appetite and a strong sense of personal identity.
It was tough to try to be serious in front of Halle Berry and Pierce Brosnan with all this stuff in my face. There's never been a character that's looked this extreme.
Sensitive people usually love deeply and hate deeply. They don't know any other way to live than by extremes because thier emotional theromastat is broken.
I'm a bit of a worrier, to an extreme. I'll crack a joke, then worry if I've offended someone - even when they're laughing. I have a guilt complex, always worrying.
I think pulling off, pulling off a kind of fake documentary of me being a, you know, actual dictator would have been extremely difficult, if not impossible.
I like the fact that when you're put into a really extreme situation, you put everything else aside. You put your ego aside and get on with it, and I quite like that.
As an actor, you most often play relatively average parts, so to get to play extreme versions of anything, those are the most exciting parts.