Come dance with me," he says, taking my hand, and someday I'll explain to him that I already am.
We are creatures whose behavior cannot be simply explained as a striving for survival and happiness, for release of tension and contentment.
I fear that there will be no neat ending to this, in the manner of the old Greek plays. Where the Gods descend, and all is explained, and tidied away.
Apparently rational justifications will never explain all sorts of the different feelings and raw emotions art invoke in people.
The church and the scientific community are fighting at times a common enemy: the truth religion cannot deny and the positivist materialist scientist is unable to explain.
How could you explain to someone that sometimes it was not worth living in the past when the past was all that they had worth living for?
With Jesus, however, the device of parabolic utterance is used not to explain things to people’s satisfaction but to call attention to the unsatisfactoriness of all their previous explanations and understandings.
Jackson asked, "Where'd the water come from in your house?" "A pipe." Then he explained to Jackson, "Water travels in pipes.
Please just tell me where you are. His heart hurt with the wanting of it, the hurt no less painful fro being difficult to explain.
Well, that explains why we jumped into bed with each other so quickly. We were both hornier than a bucket of desert toads.
I explained it loud and clear. What part of "meow" don't you understand?
I can't really explain what it's like to be in love, but I feel like it's being comfortable. It's almost like having a best friend. It's a beautiful thing.
I still have friends from primary school. And my two best girlfriends are from secondary school. I don't have to explain anything to them. I don't have to apologize for anything. They know. There's no judgment in any way.
Actually Gabriel’s an archangel,” I corrected. “But otherwise, yes.” “Well, that explains why he’s so hard to impress,” said Xavier flippantly
The life sciences contain spiritual values which can never be explained by the materialistic attitude of present day science
You might call me a tech intermediary. I know how to talk to the people in Silicon Valley and then take that information and explain it to everyone else.
The frenzy of the little-girl culture is something very unique, and I can only say that because I was one. The obsession - I can't really explain it. Everything is heightened to the maximum.
Someone I met years ago explained to me the difference between a personality and an actor, a personality being Eddie Murphy or Roseanne Barr, and an actor being Morgan Freeman and Alfre Woodard or Marlon Brando.
Love and ruin are explained with letters of the alphabet. The power of the word can describe the glory of the universe. It only requires an open mind and heart.
Why do two colors, put one next to the other, sing? Can one really explain this? no. Just as one can never learn how to paint.
The theory of evolution by cumulative natural selection is the only theory we know of that is in principle capable of explaining the existence of organized complexity.