I agree with the President that second-guessing is not a strategy, but at the same time, I want to continue the dialogue that ultimately will lead to bringing all of our troops home.
We opened a design center in the South of England last year as part of our strategy for being close to our customers and developing innovative products for exciting new markets.
I think any good government will target on the finishing date, that is, the polling day and make sure that their strategy is strong and in place to get them successfully re-elected.
The launch of the report coincides with the initiation by WHO of the global strategy for the prevention and control of osteoporosis, and I think a good partnership could be established in our common efforts to prevent osteoporosis.
In setting goals and executing a strategy, Wanda is sophisticated. We have good systems and departments. If targets are not reached, a yellow light goes off.
Success in past U.S. conflicts has not been strictly the result of military leadership but rather the judgment of the president in choosing generals and setting broad strategy.
I am a sprinter, and I love to go fast. It's very difficult for me to be patient and follow a race strategy or conserve energy.
Strategy is buying a bottle of fine wine when you take a lady out for dinner. Tactics is getting her to drink it.
We believe that people will use real-time fMRI feedback to hone cognitive strategies that will increase activation of brain regions.
The issue is becoming so absorbed in positioning ourselves ahead of everyone else that life becomes nothing more than an endless strategy.
Drilling in ANWR fails to lower energy prices today and sets no long term energy strategy for tomorrow.
The success of one market model cannot be migrated to another. Ignoring Macau's special characteristics and duplicating a Las Vegas or an Atlantic City would not be a successful strategy.
Baseball is about talent, hard work, and strategy. But at the deepest level, it's about love, integrity, and respect.
All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
Talent is the No. 1 priority for a CEO. You think it's about vision and strategy, but you have to get the right people first.
I am able to ride the bike and think clearly about strategy and tyres. I also have positive thinking. I am very constructively critical.
Announcers don't do enough of the cat-and-mouse strategy and all the work that goes into it. You watch a broadcast and guys get the pitches wrong.
The Republican party does have a lot of work to do. But changing our principles is not a winning strategy. We need to modernize, not moderate.
John Locke, called the Father of Liberalism, made the argument that the individual instead of the community was the foundation of society. He believed that government existed by the consent of the governed, not by divine right. But the reason governm...
Understand: your mind is weaker than your emotions. But you become aware of this weakness only in moments of adversity--precisely the time when you need strength. What best equips you to cope with tthe heat of battle is neither more knowledge nor mor...
Understand: your mind is weaker than your emotions. But you become aware of this weakness only in moments of adversity,precisely the time when you need strength. What best equips you to cope with tthe heat of battle is neither more knowledge nor more...